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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
Discussion / troubleshooting / No bombsquad files
I have file manager but I cannot see the mod files for Bombsquad, even on internal storage it is not there. Also after I went to data the file name net.froemling.bombsquad is not there, How do i access Bombsuqad files? (edited)
3:25 AM
And also this shows up i found the file now
3:25 AM
/home/era/gmt+3:30 3/3/2024 1:21 PM
you need to install some specific file managers that allow you to bypass that restriction, or just use workspaces (check #faq)
you need to install some specific file managers that allow you to bypass that restriction, or just use workspaces (check #faq)
Yeah either do that or use a PC to access to your tablet's files. For some reason, Android started restricting access to some files since like Android 12, if you wanna check them then you gotta connect ur device to a PC or get lucky and find the right file manager like era said. (edited)
⭐ 1
actually found the mistake i did
7:01 AM
i didnt press fix
7:01 AM
so yeah
7:01 AM
thanks for helping
Click to see attachment 🖼️
~ΠΠysterious•Soul~ 3/12/2024 5:17 PM
I also had similar issue... I jus downloaded a file manager app from Playstore and went to the net.froemling.bombsquad folder
actually found the mistake i did
~ΠΠysterious•Soul~ 3/12/2024 5:17 PM
Oh ok
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